
Videos about our work.

Bio-Inspired Engineering, bionanotechnology & electrosynbionics

1. Accenture Labs Tech Talk

3 MINUTES: Tech Talk video, filmed with Accenture Labs, in which Dr Katherine Dunn explains how bio-inspired technologies could solve some of the most pressing problems of the 21st Century: (external site).

2. University of Edinburgh Changing World Conversations

1 HOUR: As part of the run-up to COP26, the University of Edinburgh broadcast a series of live 'Conversations' with leading scientists working on various aspects of the climate change problem. Dr Katherine Dunn delivered an event on 'Nature-Inspired Technologies' in which she discussed how taking inspiration from nature can help engineers to develop revolutionary new technologies designed to help us reduce our carbon footprint or repair environmental damage. The video is available on YouTube:

3. The emerging science of electrosynbionics

THREE MINUTES: Video abstract, which accompanied the paper 'The emerging science of electrosynbionics', Dunn (2020): 

4. Saving the planet with electrosynbionics

6 MIN 40 SEC: talk deliveredby Dr Katherine Dunn as part of the Explorathon public outreach series in 2021. This is a 'Pecha Kucha' style talk, which means that the speaker must use exactly 20 slides and each slide appears on screen for exactly 20 seconds.

DNA nanotechnology

Nanostructures made from DNA: a revolutionary tool for diagnosis and treatment of disease

Short video produced by Dr Katherine Dunn and PhD students Matthew Aquilina, Alex Speakman and Nathan Wu for the Scottish Research Showcase video tweet-a-thon in 2021, with some funding from the Una Europa alliance:

COVID-19 activities

8 MINUTES: School of Engineering video, with introduction by Dr Katherine Dunn, in which academics from the School present their work on COVID-19 engineering challenges: